Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun on the Web July 26, 2011 Meetups

Meetups is an online way to coordinate get-togethers of strangers/acquaintances who want to pursue a purpose. This could be politics, business networking, exercise groups, book clubs, dining clubs, or my favorite: The Girlfriends Group. I belong to several of these with various names: The Girlfriends Network, GIRLFRIENDS' CLUB (for Ladies 30 to 60), and Fabulous 40+ Womens Social Group. These are all groups of ladies who want to make new friends and have some fun.

I had a Scrabble Group in Madison at one point on Meetup. I even started a Girlfriends Group up north when I moved there. There were no other Meetups in the area when I started but now there are a few different ones. Our Girlfriends of Northcentral Wisconsin group fizzled once I left town and will end in about two weeks unless my co-organizers find some new blood to get the group going.

If you are looking for new friends or new fun check it out. Even if you want to get into politics, Scrabble or a dining group this is a great way to do it. Don't get me wrong, the bigger the city, the more types of groups you can find, so go on there, sign up, and check out your area.



Hope you enjoyed my fun on the web today!

If you know someone who would enjoy Fun on the Web,
please send them a link so that they can follow it.

If you would like to refer back to a link or a funny, I have
added the back issues to an archive here:
http://fun-on-the-web.blogspot.com/ 2008-2011
http://more-blues.blogspot.com/ 2005-2007
http://blues-babys-rants.blogspot.com/ 2003-2004

Thanks and have a great day!

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