They say:
"Banks are considering implementing a ‘dress code’ to deter robbers. 90% of bank robbers use the hats/hoods/sunglasses disguise. They like to blend in with other customers until they reach the teller window, where they display a robbery note or gun.
“…“If you see a guy (in a bank lobby) with a baseball cap, dark glasses and a mustache (or) beard, it’s probably a bank robber, not a customer,” said Lt. Larry Faulkner of the Dayton Police Department. Faulker said the disguise is so common, he advises tellers to call the police if they simply see a man dressed in that manner waiting in line.
The FBI and police nationwide are advising banks to adopt a policy of “no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses, no cell phones” to head off robberies. More banks are doing so, but in some cases the idea is pitting police against bankers concerned about alienating law-abiding customers.
Special Agent Harry Trombitas of the FBI’s Columbus office says bank robbery numbers could be lower if more banks had a “no hats” policy."
I say: Based on reading this if you see a guy (in a bank lobby) with a baseball cap, dark glasses and a mustache (or) beard, it's time to LEAVE do not pass go, do not cash a check just GO.
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